Custom Software

Working in this fast-paced era, leaning towards automation, it is important for you and your organization to have the right tools and strategies by your side. Tools that help automate simple and routine processes, tools that optimize and make routine work more efficient are what are needed in order to stay up to speed.


That’s when we come into play! We develop custom software application as per our clients’ requirements to aid them with strategic benefits. We continuously master our skills in the latest trends such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data to make sure our clients’ systems are top-notch. Whether they are web – based applications such as Enterprise Resource Planning Systems or Legacy Software modernization, we do what it takes to make sure you have the best.


Technology Consulting

We start with technology consulting. We can advice our clients on the right technologies and the architecture for the application, as well as provide a scalability roadmap for the same.


We start the process of developing the application from the in-depth analysis of your business. We could create a requirements specification at the initial stage in case of traditional linear approach or continuously adapt to changing requirements in case of Agile development.

Post Development

Post the development stage, we do comprehensive testing and provide support & maintenance for the application.


  • Web Application Development
  • Software Product Development
  • Application Re-engineering for Legacy software
  • Application Maintenance
  • Enterprise Application Integration

Technologies we use

- JavaScript | jQuery
- Laravel | Java | Python


- Oracle
- MongoDB